Saturday, January 10, 2009

I LOVE my new sewing machine!!

Ok, so these projects are far from professional, but they are the first "real" things I have done with my sewing machine...and I didn't even have patterns!!

I made this camera strap cover for my camera--
(The fabric is Amy Butler)
And this crayon holder for my purse or diaper bag for when we have to go out and the girls get restless. They love to color and this is sooo much cuter than my usual ziploc baggy of crayons! I used Amy Butler fabrics for this too and then it has a velcro closure. Like I said it's a little "wonky" but at least I can use it for it's intended purpose. Not too bad for a first try at it! (in my opinion anyway)
Here it is all rolled up.
Not too shabby, right? :-)

Hooray for having a full on craft day today!!


KTluv said...

Way to go! Those are really cool. I got a sewing machine for Christmas too. Not for making anything out of fabric though. Matt was appalled to learn that I intended to sew on paper! lmao